Mall Atrium and Directory
Customer Service & Satisfaction
Alphabetical Directory of Stores
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One-Click, Easy Access To Customer Service Information
To honor our commitment to provide you with the fastest, most productive online shopping experience, we are making customer service and satisfaction information available for each store with just one easy click.  When you click on the
icon next to any store, you will be able to view the following:
  • Information provided by the store, including their customer service hours, phone number, e-mail address, average availability of products they sell, retail locations, return policies, whether or not they ship worldwide, which credit cards and/or payment types are accepted, and more.
  • Responses from other customers who have shopped at that store.
  • A place for you to share your impressions of the store.  Together we can make this the best, most reliable source for all, so please share your comments and experiences!
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to take a quick look at some of our ideas for Holiday and/or Seasonal Items!
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