Mall Atrium and Directory
Our Privacy Policy
Alphabetical Directory of Stores
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We Respect Your Privacy
Unlike other mall and shopping sites, we do not keep or distribute any personal information about you unless you specifically request a service from us.  Even then, we let you know exactly how we use this information.
Mailing Lists
Unlike many sites, WE DO NOT SELL OUR E-MAIL LIST.  Even though it is valuable, your trust in us is more important to us.
So we can keep improving our service to you, we do pay close attention to our general traffic patterns (which pages are visited the most, how people get from one page to another, and which stores attract a lot of customers).  We VERY SERIOUSLY pay attention to all customer service messages.  Our goal is to provide a convenient, fast, and dependable site with all the best stores on the Internet.
But, the stores themselves are separate Internet sites from
Really Big Mall
and each store has their very own privacy policy and tracking system.  We absolutely don't have access to any personal information about purchases, identification you give to stores, or anything having to do with credit cards.  There is no way we can track purchase information.  That is between you and each individual store.  
Really Big Mall
does not sell anything at all to consumers.  We simply direct you to various independent stores.
A "cookie" is a piece of information that is stored on your own computer by a web site.
In June 2001, we added one simple "cookie" that we use to unobtrusively give us more general information about visitors to our site.  The cookie is simply an encoded date of your visit, and nothing more than that.  We are using it to figure out what percentage of our visitors are "first-time" visitors and how many are repeat visitors.
We know how many people visit
Really Big Mall
each month.  But, we'd like to know how many of you are new visitors and how many are repeat customers.  You can imagine that we'd have a problem if you are all new visitors but nobody comes back!  It would also be a very different problem if eveyone is a repeat customer but we're not attracting new visitors!
If you have cookies turned off on your browser, it will not affect your experience on the
Really Big Mall
site.  However, many stores use cookies as a way to keep track of what's in your "shopping cart" before you check out.  Disabling cookies could affect your ability to shop at some stores.
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