Microsoft Pop-Up Window Fix

We've found that on a few computers the store windows don't open when you click on them. That puzzled us for quite a while until we discovered that a lot of people with other sites had similar problems.

It turns out that Microsoft acknowledges that the problem involves some combination of installing different pieces of their software. This problem also prevents you from placing orders at many stores, and affects the performance of a lot of other sites, too. Many of them rely on pop-up windows for "help" information and things like credit card entry.

Although Microsoft describes the bug as part of Internet Explorer 4, we've found that it also affects some America Online users. Some of their software is based on IE4. We've confirmed that the fix below also works for people using AOL.

The article on Microsoft's web site includes the fix that we've reproduced for you here:

Here is the link to the Microsoft page describing the problem and the fix above:

Click here to return to the mall.