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If you like what you've seen, we hope you'll help us tell people about Really Big Mall. Hearing about it from you will have much more impact on them than hearing from us. We hope you'll tell them that it's fast, convenient, easy to find things, and that just about any store and product imaginable can be found here.

Web Page Links

If you have a web page, it would be great if you could add a link to us! Here's the HTML code you can use to do so:

Text link:

<a href="">Really Big Mall</a>

Graphics link (using the image at the top of this page):

<a href=""><img src="" width="600" height="135" border="0"></a>

If you do put a link on your page, send a note to "" and tell us about it! We are hoping to establish a program with some of our merchants to provide special discounts or products to those of you who link to us. If we know you have the links, we'll let you know the details as soon as we have them.

Send an E-Mail

Send an e-mail message to a friend! Just fill out the form below, and click on Send. (Any e-mail addresses you list here are NOT gathered anywhere. You are NOT putting yourself or anyone else into a mailing list. This is just an e-mailer that sends a message, and then forgets about it. May our server be struck by lightning if we are lying!)

E-mail to:
The message: I've just found this neat, fast mall on the Internet. It has over 1800 stores, and it's fast! No flashing banner ads; no nonsense. It's really easy to find stores carrying almost anything imaginable.

Its name is Really Big Mall, and here's the link:
Add anything else you want to your message:
Your name:
Your e-mail

Thank you!

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